Packhouses and Orchard Managers working with New Growers – Urgent

With export registration now open, please ensure that all new growers you are working with are registered with Summerfruit NZ.  All commercial summerfruit growers (orchards) and their production sites need to be on the Summerfruit NZ database, so packhouses and orchard managers can register them for export.

All new growers should complete a Summerfruit NZ Producer Member application form available from our website here urgently and return completed forms to   

Those also requiring S-PINS must provide the following information to

  • Valuation number – usually found on the rates bill
  • Physical address of block/orchard
  • GPS co-ordinates of site (main gate/entrance)
  • Details of the ownership of the block/orchard – indicate whether it is owned, leased or managed and provide the contact details of the owner
  • Name of block/orchard – what the block/orchard will be known as.