Our social media campaign – end of season wrap up
During the peak of the season, Summerfruit NZ ran a consumer-focused educational campaign targeting domestic consumers of summerfruit on social media: ‘eat summer, make memories with summerfruit’.
Update from Kate
For most growers, particularly those in Central Otago, the 2023-2024 season has heralded a return to better times.
Emerging Leaders Training Opportunity
A professional development opportunity for emerging leaders, this 12-week course is specifically designed for team leaders, supervisors and 2IC’s in the horticultural industry.
Cyclone Gabrielle: One Year On
One year from Cyclone Gabrielle, we would like to reflect and acknowledge those affected by this event.
Commodity Levy Order for apples and pears
We are running this piece on behalf of NZAPI. Summerfruit NZ will be coming to its growers about its commodity levy order in 2025.