Central Otago spray applications and monitoring
Now that Bernie Attfield is no longer the South Island SummerGreen Facilitator (as advised last month) she will not be sending any communications regarding application timing for sprays and monitoring...
Hand picking the harvest crew
Last week we updated growers on the work Summerfruit NZ is carrying out with various government departments and local government agencies on the seasonal workforce challenges for the coming season.
Notification of levy rates set
The Summerfruit NZ AGM activated the Biosecurity (Readiness and Response – Summerfruit Levy) Order 2019 for the coming season with the rate set at 0.05%.
SummerGreen winter meeting back on
Growers are invited to attend the rescheduled national SummerGreen winter meeting at the Riverbend Centre in Pukahu or via Zoom.
Seasonal worker website waiting
Finding enough harvest staff is going to be challenging for orchards and packhouses this coming season.
Horticulture NZ Board voting now open
Voting is open for the Horticulture NZ director elections for 2020. There are six candidates standing for three vacancies on the Board.
Update from Richard Palmer 13 August 2020
As you will be aware, four cases of Covid-19 were detected in Auckland on Tuesday, and has resulted in a Level 3 lockdown in Auckland and Level 2 applying elsewhere.
MRL and PHI changes for plum exports to the European Union
There have been changes to the chlorpyrifos MRLs and PHIs for plums exported to the European Union.
Next Summerfruit out in September
With the cancellation of the July magazine, the November issue has been brought forward to become a Pre-season issue.