Archive: July, 2024

Mid-year grower events

Summerfruit NZ was very pleased to see many of you at last week’s mid-year events, held in Hawke’s Bay and Central Otago.

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Congratulations to Roger Georgieff on receiving a Summerfruit NZ Life Member Award

Roger Georgieff, Head of Procurement for the MG Group, has received a Summerfruit NZ Life Member Award.

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Summerfruit NZ Research update

Here is a summary of the recent research activities that Summerfruit NZ has been progressing over the past 12 months.

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Tell us your views on Summerfruit NZ

So we can work to better support all New Zealand’s summerfruit growers, growers will soon receive a survey to help us better understand your views about us, what you think...

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Introduction to Managing Risk in Horticulture workshop

Growers, packhouse managers, owners and health and safety representatives working in the horticulture sector, sign up for this free workshop and further your knowledge and understanding of the regulatory requirements...

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Information on the use of Harvista on Sweet Cherries

A new Technote is available on the Summerfruit NZ portal that describes the off-label use of Harvista on sweet cherries.

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Fruit Fly Official Assurance Programme

The Fruit Fly Contingency Working Group has the goal of minimising trade disruption resulting from fruit fly incursions into New Zealand.

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Weed seed tolerance (Australia)

Exporters to Australia will be pleased to hear that the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has increased the tolerance for quarantine weed seeds on fresh produce to eight...

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2024-25 MRL and PHI chart advertising

Production is underway for the export apricot and cherry wall charts that are published by Summerfruit NZ each year and sent to all export growers and pack houses.

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Stream Health Assessments in Central Otago

Do you want to know about the health of your stream? A Catchment Advisor at Otago Regional Council is available to help you understand the health of your stream.

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