
New book on cherry production published

Sweet Cherries – a new book by Lynn Long, Gregory Lang, and Clive Kaiser has just been published.

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International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, launched the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 (IYFV) with an appeal to improve...

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Update from Richard Palmer 23 December 2020

Whilst there’s plenty to say about 2020 as it draws to a close, with harvest in full swing you’ll have little time to read so I’ll keep my comments brief.

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Update on exports to Japan

Japan MAFF has confirmed that this season there will be a likely increase in the level of inspections on arrival for our cherries exported to Japan.

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Summerfruit Phytosanitary decision making document

Ministry for Primary Industries have added an updated 'phytosanitary decision-making chart' to their website’s Official Assurance Programmes page. The webpage can be found at –

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NZTA grants licence extension for overseas drivers

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) has advised that a temporary extension period for overseas driver licence holders will take effect from Friday, 18 December.

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Accommodation for seasonal workers

Local accommodation providers can list anything from rental houses to a spare room to help meet demand during seasonal peaks.

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Alert level 3 – Independent fruit and vegetable retailers now allowed to open

HortNZ advises that they've had some success with their repeated request for independent fruit and vegetable retailers to be permitted to be open under levels 3 and 4.

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Update from Richard Palmer 16 December 2020

My message comes to you from Canberra this week as I am now settling into home in Australia.

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Audit of Summerfruit NZ's residue monitoring scheme

The Residue Management Programme (RMP) operated by Summerfruit NZ was recently assessed by SGS and found to be compliant with Global GAP’s requirement for assessment of third-party residue monitoring providers.

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