Mid-winter SummerGreen events
Professor Dugald Close, from the University of Tasmania, will be hosting on-orchard SummerGreen technical presentations, during the day in Hawke’s Bay on Tuesday 2 July; and in Cromwell on Thursday...
Mid-year grower events – registrations close on Friday 21 June
Keen to catch up with fellow growers, reflect on the season, enjoy good food and be entertained at the same time?
Central Otago and Hawke’s Bay Young Grower of the Year – congratulations to the winners
Congratulations to the recent winners of the regional Young Grower of the Year competitions.
There are now additional rules for the use of hydrogen cyanamide
The Environmental Protection Authority has recently approved a reassessment of hydrogen cyanamide. For a summary of its decision, including details on additional rules for its use, read here
Spray Diary Information Submission
Thank you to the growers who have submitted their spray diaries. This information is vital to the ongoing ability of Summerfruit NZ to provide information as anonymised data to HortNZ...
Non-Chemical Weed Management Workshop
Dr Charles Merfield is holding a workshop on 26 July 2024 in Pukekohe, In this workshop, he will provide a complete overview of non-chemical weed management as part of Integrated...
Mid-year grower events – save the dates in July
Summerfruit NZ is delighted to open registrations for our mid-year grower events, being held in Havelock North on Tuesday 2 July and in Cromwell on Thursday 4 July.
Summerfruit replant disease technote
To understand more about the underlying causes of replant disease, Summerfruit NZ has contracted Plant & Food Research to carry out a review of Summerfruit (Prunus) replant disease.
Summerfruit NZ team update
Summerfruit NZ chief executive, Kate Hellstrom, has resigned and will leave the organisation on 27 September 2024.
Post-season SummerGreen series available on the Portal
Summerfruit NZ (SNZ) was pleased to host several speakers at the post-season SummerGreen meetings held recently in Hawke’s Bay and Central Otago. These events were well attended by growers.