
Inspection pad check

Now is a good time for export packhouses to check their stocks of inspection pads.

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Observations from the field

The warm to hot conditions have prompted me to think about the PET (potential evapotranspiration) situation.

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Summerfruit NZ signs Biosecurity Business Pledge

Summerfruit NZ has signed the Biosecurity Business Pledge as a support organisation under the ‘This Is Us – Biosecurity 2025’ programme.

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Observations from the field – Carpophilus beetle

During a recent visit to a Hawkes Bay summerfruit orchard (29 Oct), I was alerted to the presence of significant numbers of Carpophilus beetles in the traps (as shown below)...

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Comments on the Hawkes Bay hail event and fruit to market

An event of the scale and earliness of the 1 October Hawkes Bay hail event has not been witnessed before, therefore we have no real idea of what the impact...

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Thoughts from the field for Hawkes Bay growers

I have been talking to a few people over the last couple of weeks following the hail event and now 100 odd mm of rain.

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Wheat bug notification in NZ exports to Australia

Australia has notified MPI that they have been detecting wheat bug (Nysius huttoni) in fruit exported from New Zealand. Wheat bug is a quarantine pest for Australia, USA and Korea.

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Export access to Russia

Access to Russia remains closed due to the requirement to certify over two seasons that the produce is originated from a Brown rot-free production site.

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Free carbon footprint calculator

Knowing your carbon footprint will be a standard requirement at some point in the future. Do you have any idea what your footprint is now and what you might need...

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Did you know?

Did you know the new Summerfruit NZ Biosecurity Manual also includes editable templates including a best practice checklist, visitor's register and pest monitoring data sheet.

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