New market monitoring contact
The SEC has appointed Neil McLoughlin to collect export market monitoring data for the 2019-20 season. Exporters can contact Neil by email to or by calling 027 403 6647.
Focus on fruit quality for new scholarship student
Congratulations goes to Michael Hutton who has been awarded the Plant & Food Research/ Summerfruit NZ Student Scholarship for 2019-20.
Export fruit queries
We've been receiving a few queries from people wanting to export summerfruit and we imagine growers have been getting similar queries too.
Updated quality manuals now available
The Summerfruit NZ quality manuals for exporters, packers and growers have now been reviewed and updated for the current season.
Summerfruit industry review underway
The independent review of the summerfruit industry is now underway, with interviews expected to start in Hawke’s Bay later this month (and into January), and with the grower interviews in...
Email address revamp for Summerfruit NZ staff
In keeping with modern computer protocols and practice, Summerfruit NZ staff have started using new email addresses that now include their surnames too.
Independent industry reviewer appointed
Alasdair MacLeod has been appointed by a Summerfruit NZ steering committee to carry out the summerfruit independent industry review.
Monolinia/Botrytis/Alternaria – What are the differences?
Richard Mills gets a little nerdy finding some cherry disease compares and contrasts.
Overwhelming support for summerfruit Commodity Levy renewal
We are pleased to announce the successful outcome of our recent Commodity Levy referendum. Summerfruit growers have voted overwhelmingly in support of renewing the summerfruit Commodity Levy.
Export to Australia – important updates
There will be no OPI inspector in Central Otago this season, and the programme is coming to an end in April 2020.