
ICPR for Myanmar

Following notification from Myanmar’s National Plant Protection Organisation allowing access to New Zealand fresh cherries (Prunus avium) at the end of last year, MPI has now updated and published the...

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Most unwanted poster published

Summerfruit's most unwanted pests and diseases feature on a poster recently sent out to help people identify these nasties that lurk beyond New Zealand's borders.

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Single BMSB found in Mount Maunganui

A single brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) has been found in the Mount Maunganui area. The male bug was caught and reported to the MPI hotline on 15 December and...

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New biosecurity documents online

The biosecurity plan for the next three years has been uploaded onto the website. Biosecurity strategy 2018-21 summarises the strategy that Summerfruit NZ is currently implementing to protect our industry...

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A reminder for growers exporting to Thailand

Please remember that when submitting fruit for export to Thailand, under this industry management programme growers need to ensure that this grower declaration form has been completed, signed and forwarded...

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Climate summary tools revamped

Great news for growers – the weather information on the portal has been revamped with loads new interactive tools and features now available, and is the latest release from HortPlus.

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Export inspection pads

This season we will be reprinting the Summerfruit Export Inspection Record Sheets to reflect the change in sample size for the Korean market.

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Judicial review into MPI directive

Summerfruit NZ is looking closely at Justice Cooke's judgment from the judicial review into the MPI directive regarding plant material, released on 23 August.

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Update on Iprodione (Rovral) withdrawal

Last year a European Union decision was taken to withdraw authorisation for plant protection products containing Iprodione as an active ingredient.

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Summerfruit NZ Board Director honoured

Congratulations to Earnscy Weaver who has been made a Life Member of Horticulture New Zealand. The award was made at the conference gala dinner held in Christchurch during the Hort...

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