Archive: August, 2021

Introduction to Supervision – Short course in Cromwell

Designed specially for horticulture and viticulture industries, Introduction to Supervision is a one day course that will teach people, new to supervisory roles, the foundation skills needed for success as...

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Where are your workers staying this season?

As we all know, worker accommodation can be a big drawcard in attracting seasonal workers to your orchard or packhouse. If you provide your own staff accommodation, that's great.

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Tim Jones recognised at HortNZ conference

Tim Jones with Minister Damien O'Connor and HortNZ Chair Barry O'Neil

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Update from Kate Hellstrom 4 August 2021

RSE worker decision

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Portal changes to be aware of

Portal users need to be aware of some changes to our portal this weekend as provider Montage Online is now Solar Workplace.

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Draft Natural and Built Environments Bill

The Government has released an exposure draft of the Natural and Built Environments Bill for consultation.

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Women in Horticulture election results

Women in Horticulture have announced the election of four new executive committee members to their Board. The new members are:

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Summerfruit industry looking forward to RSE workers return

Summerfruit NZ welcomes the Government's announcement allowing Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers from the Pacific to enter New Zealand without the need for managed isolation.

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