Archive: August, 2022

2022-23 MRL/PHI Wallcharts

This coming season MRL/PHI wall charts (PDFs) will be uploaded to the Summerfruit NZ portal this week. They will be available from Main Menu/Export/MRLs and PHIs.

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Exporting Cherries (or Peaches) to Indonesia

A For Your Information (FYI) document has been released, including recommended food safety sampling and testing for fresh and frozen horticultural produce to Indonesia.

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Export Registrations

Growers, packhouses and exporters can register for export via the secure portal’s online registration system, from 1 September until 31 October.

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Scheduled portal update – this Thursday, 5pm

The Summerfruit NZ portal will undergo a scheduled routine update on Thursday 4th August, 5pm. The portal will be down for a short time while this takes place.

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