Export season opens on the first of September

export tractor2

The export season is fast approaching. Growers, packhouses and exporters can register for export via the secure portal’s online registration system, from 1 September until 31 October. To access the secure portal, click on the Portal link on the top right of this website.

Once you are logged on to the portal, on the left-hand side of the screen you can find the Export section, which contains guides to help you register, as well as other useful information. If you are ready to register, simply select Register Now and begin your online registration.


Registration deadlines






Annual Registration

31 October

31 October

31 October


25 September

31 October

31 October

Western Australia

25 September

31 October

31 October


31 October

31 October

31 October


31 October

31 October

31 October


Late registrations


From time-to-time Summerfruit NZ may accept late registrations. However:

  • no late registrations will be accepted for Japan or Western Australia Official Assurance Programmes;
  • no late registration will be accepted where the applicant has been sent reminders prior to 31 October;
  • any late applications for annual registration will be considered on a case-by-case basis and accepted at the discretion of Summerfruit NZ.


If accepting late registrations, Summerfruit NZ reserves the right to:

  • apply a penalty fee of up to 50% of the registration fee;
  • apply conditions to the registration;
  • recover any costs that may be incurred through accepting the late registration.


Where licensed exporters have not completed registration, inclusive of payment, by 31 October, Summerfruit NZ understands that the exporter does not intend to export in that year and will notify HEA.

For any queries, please contact us via export@summerfruitnz.co.nz