Introduction to Supervision – Short course in Cromwell

Designed specially for horticulture and viticulture industries, Introduction to Supervision is a one day course that will teach people, new to supervisory roles, the foundation skills needed for success as a supervisor. 

This has been a very successful course run for the past four years, with up to 28 people from a range of horticulture/viticulture organisations coming together. Feedback from most attending has been that it was a very valuable experience and that they have come out with good tools to deal with conflict, challenges and new supervisory skills to use in the workplace.

Date: Friday, 24 September

Time: 9am to 3pm

Venue: Room 3, Otago Polytechnic, Central Campus, Erris Street, Cromwell 9310

Cost: $200+GST per person

Course content

  • Motivation and delegation techniques
  • Understanding personality types
  • Guiding and managing work tasks
  • Conflict management skills
  • Cultural differences – dealing with staff from different cultures/backgrounds

Learning outcomes

At the end of this one-day workshop you will:

  • Understand and be able to apply in a work setting the basic principles of motivation, delegation and conflict management
  • Have strategies to engage with people of different cultures and personalities
  • Have practiced resolving low level conflicts

Spaces are limited and bookings can be made by emailing or calling 0800 765 9276.