Update from Kate Hellstrom 4 August 2021

RSE worker decision

You’ll all be aware of the Government's recent announcement that Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers from the Pacific will be able to enter New Zealand without the need for managed isolation from September onwards. See Summerfruit industry looking forward to RSE workers return. This is very welcome news, both for the Pacific nations whose local economies and livelihoods are supported by the scheme, and for the summerfruit growers who are concerned about finding sufficient numbers of people to work in orchards and packhouses during harvest. 

However it’s important to be aware that the details of this announcement are still being worked on, such as what the allocations of RSE workers to employers might be, how many flights there can be, how visa processing will run, and how we will transition from MIQ flights to quarantine free travel. Until these details are settled via discussions between the industry groups and government, it’s very important that the MIQ flights (flights 3 to 6) go ahead as planned. All RSE employers have been contacted by HortNZ about this issue and will be kept closely informed of progress.

A very busy few weeks 

You may be interested in some of the meetings and activities I’ve recently been involved in and due to attend on the industry's behalf which include:

  • Fortnightly meetings with Minister Faafoi to discuss immigration settings and the RSE scheme – attended by the hort/vit industry group CEs.
  • Hort CEs meeting on the proposed Plant Strategy that is under development between government and the horticulture sector. Nadine Tunley is on the Governance Group and keeping us informed at this stage.
  • Meetings with GIA partners on the re-negotiation of the Fruit Fly Operational Agreement for its next five year term. I’ll update you more about this in due course.
  • Discussions with MPI regarding the proposed extension of the Maintaining International Connectivity (MIAC) scheme.
  • Horticulture NZ conference – this week.
  • Hawke's Bay grower visits and labour coordination meeting – 16-17 August.