Reminder spray diaries due

Spraying tractorSummerfruit NZ expects all spray diaries to be submitted by the end of April.

For growers that use CropSure or are solely supplying Heinz Watties, there is no need to do anything further. For all other growers, Summerfruit NZ prefers to receive an electronic copy of your spray diary, although we will accept a scanned paper copy if necessary.  Summerfruit NZ expects all spray diaries to be submitted by the end of April.

Spray diary data is used to analyse trends within the industry and to answer questions posed by regulatory bodies, such as proposed changes to Pre-Harvest Intervals (PHL) or complete withdrawal of products. The more complete the data provided by growers, the more accurate Summerfruit NZ can be when responding to regulators. 

Please send your spray diaries before 30 April to

For more information, please contact Richard Mills on 021 632 559.