Central Otago and Hawke’s Bay Young Grower of the Year – congratulations to the winners

Congratulations to the recent winners of the regional Young Grower of the Year competitions.


Grace Fulford, Hawke’s Bay Young Grower of the Year, works for T&G Global as a quality and compliance manager, and said she loves learning something new every day in Hawke’s Bay’s horticulture industry.


Luke St John, Central Otago Young Grower of the Year, from Fortune Fruit Company, also impressed the judges and said he was pleased he entered the competition, and he really enjoyed the competition day. 


Summerfruit NZ wishes both Grace and Luke all the best for the final competition later this year. 


Luke St John CO Young Grower Gala Dinner.credit image central 43

credit to Clare Toia-Bailey / Image central for Luke’s photo. 









Grace Fulford2