Congratulations to Roger Georgieff on receiving a Summerfruit NZ Life Member Award

Roger Georgieff, Head of Procurement for the MG Group, has received a Summerfruit NZ Life Member Award. 

 Trudi Webb, Summerfruit NZ Chair, announced the award, saying that, “Roger is a former Summerfruit NZ board member, and is a strong champion for summerfruit growers. His contributions have been immense and are truly deserving of this life membership award.

 “For over three decades, Roger has led a team that has represented growers across New Zealand, bringing passion and dedication to all areas of the produce industry he touches. Specifically, for more than 20 years, he has championed the cause of summerfruit growers, advocating tirelessly on their behalf”.

 Congratulations to Roger on this well-deserved life member award.


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