Forest Lodge receive Hort NZ Environmental Award

Congratulations to Rebecca and Mike Casey of Forest Lodge Orchard, who received an environmental award at the recent Horticulture NZ conference. Euan White, Forest Lodge Orchard Manager, was there on the night to accept the award.

Forest Lodge award Aug 2023

Pictured (left to right): Kate Hellstrom, Euan White, and Raj Singh

The Environmental Award is awarded in recognition of a person or organisation that has developed and implemented a sustainable environmental project, with identifiable benefits. 

Rebecca and Mike have worked hard over the past four years to achieve climate excellence in food production. They run a six-hectare, high-density cherry orchard in Central Otago, that operates without burning any fossil fuels. Everything from irrigation, frost fighting, vehicles and tools are powered through New Zealand's renewable grid and through the power they generate and store using extensive solar and battery arrays.