Hawke's Bay flood response support

NZAPI have put together some resources to help with decision-making post-cyclone. Use these documents to help guide decisions on a block-by-block basis. Please note, this is version 1. Discussions continue on what to replant in the understory, and when to test soils, so expect to see version 2 in the coming week/s.


The technical information below is provided in consultation with Plant and Food Research, AgFirst, Fruition Horticulture, Fruitfed, Horticentre, and Farmlands. 

Please find the information below (click on the title to be taken to the information):

1.    Phytophthora management decision tree

2.    Soil assessment protocol V1

3.    sediment decision-making tree v1

4.    Orchard survey after cyclone

You can find other helpful documents on the 
NZAPI website.