It’s not too late to take part in the Agricultural Production Census

There is still the opportunity to participate in the 2022 Agricultural Production Census. Summerfruit growers are encouraged to play their part and support their industry by completing the questionnaire.  

Available online and as a printed version by request, the nationwide census of agriculture is run by Stats NZ every five years on behalf of the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).

Having up-to-date and accurate facts and figures on the agriculture and horticulture sectors are vital for providing improved policies, programmes and support to rural New Zealand. The statistics are used by industry bodies, producer groups, central and local government, business and service providers, and rural communities for planning, forecasting, and better meeting needs. Results from the 2022 Agricultural Production Census influence everything from investment decisions and trade negotiations to natural disaster planning and new rural services.  

Information packs on the Agricultural Production Census 2022 were mailed out last month. Help is available to complete the questionnaire at, along with dedicated email support (, and a freephone number (0800 809 464). All summerfruit growers are encouraged to ensure they are represented and to play their part in the growth of the industry.