Kate’s Update


This season has brought mixed results for our growers, and the Summerfruit NZ team’s thoughts are with growers in Hawke’s Bay who have had to contend with difficult weather conditions. It has been a challenging season for most, with cooler, wetter weather meaning yields have been significantly lower than they should be. If there’s anything I or the team can help you with, please let us know.

For Central Otago growers, the weather has provided much more favourable growing conditions, with good yields and high-quality fruit coming off the trees. Growers and packhouses have also welcomed the return of backpackers and working holiday visa holders, meaning that there have been enough people to help with the harvest this year.

This year brings plenty to look forward to, in particular, the Summerfruit NZ conference which will be held in Queenstown this June. I hope many of you register early and I look forward to seeing you there, it will be a great opportunity to reconnect again after the season. 


Queenstown Event 2


Finally, I’d like to warmly introduce our new team member, Raj Singh, who joined Summerfruit NZ just last week.  It’s great to have him onboard as our new Business Manager.

Raj Singh2Raj Singh - Business Manager, Summerfruit NZ