This week we welcome Tracey Mansfield to a new seasonal role as the Seasonal Labour Coordinator in Central Otago. Tracey will introduce herself at the webinar tomorrow.

Tracey Mansfield
Recent feedback from many growers suggests that our campaign to attract seasonal workers has been reasonably successful so far. A number of growers report they have sufficient workers to start the harvest, however, some are still short.
If you have more applicants than current jobs please refer workers on to other employers either directly, by referring them to the Work the Seasons website, or for those in Central Otago, by contacting Tracey, whose contact details will be out later this week.
A big thank you for the grower response to our call last week to contact MSD Southern about employing jobseekers – the response was exceptional. If you haven’t yet contacted your local MSD office about getting Kiwis into work we encourage you to do so.