Mid-winter SummerGreen events

Dugald picking cherries at Jerico FEb 2021

Professor Dugald Close, from the University of Tasmania, will be hosting on-orchard SummerGreen technical presentations, during the day in Hawke’s Bay on Tuesday 2 July; and in Cromwell on Thursday 4 July, before the evening networking events.

These SummerGreen events are free to attend for all growers.  We hope to see you at one of the following venues:

  • 1pm to 3pm, Tuesday 2 July, Camelot Fresh Fruit Company Ltd packhouse and orchard, 44 Thompson Road, Twyford.
  • 1pm to 3pm, Thursday 4 July, JR Webb & Sons Ltd packhouse and orchard, 25 Luggate-Cromwell Road.

 Professor Close, Deputy Director for Research and Professor in Horticulture at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture at the University of Tasmania, has worked in production horticulture for more than 20 years. His recent focus has been on manipulating plant function for yield and quality, particularly in cherries. Professor Close’s current interests include water, nutrition, and carbohydrate ecophysiology.