Mid-year grower events

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Summerfruit NZ was very pleased to see many of you at last week’s mid-year events, held in Hawke’s Bay and Central Otago.

 Thanks to Professor Dugald Close, from the University of Tasmania, for speaking at the on-orchard SummerGreen technical presentations. These were very well attended in both regions; a big thanks to our hosts Stu Burns (Hawke’s Bay) and Simon Webb (Otago).

 At both of the evening networking events, broadcaster Paddy Gower spoke about his personal journey: on finding purpose, the power of optimism, and the importance of connecting with people. The venues and meals in both regions were fantastic, and everyone enjoyed their evening.  

 At both events, Trudi Webb, current Summerfruit NZ Chair, thanked Roger Brownlie for his commitment and contribution to the industry during his time as Chair of Summerfruit NZ from 2021 to 2023. Trudi said, ‘Roger, your passion, energy, and dedication have been of enormous benefit to our industry. You have ridden the highs and lows with us, always striving for excellence, putting us growers first, and thinking about the future. Your strong belief in the industry and your ability to persuade others to invest in new varieties have given direction and life to our work’.

 During the events, the Summerfruit NZ Board made a couple of special awards. 

 Mark Cosgriff, Technical Field Rep at Fruitfed Supplies Ltd, received a Summerfruit NZ industry award.  This award recognises people with long and dedicated service to a supplier or service role that have worked beyond the call of duty for the betterment of the New Zealand summerfruit industry.  Mark has worked for over 30 years in the industry and is well admired by his clients and colleagues for his dedication, technical expertise and deep knowledge of the summerfruit industry.

Roger Georgieff received a life member award (see next news item). Congratulations to both our award recipients.

Thanks again to all the sponsors who helped make these events possible: MG Marketing (Platinum Sponsor), Plant & Food Research, Bayer, PGG Wrightson, LE Cooke Nurseryman, and Agrofresh.


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From left to right: Trudi Webb, Mark Cosgriff, Paddy Gower, Blair McLean



Professor Dugald Close and Simon Webb discussing pruning techniques (Otago)


Stu Burns discussing fruit tree varieties (Hawke’s Bay) 


Professor Dugald Close presenting in the Webbs’ packhouse (Otago)