Noel, a great friend, and colleague to many within the summerfruit and pipfruit industries, passed away on 21 May 2021, in Vietnam.

Noel Bloxham in Vietnam
A great Highlander supporter having been born in Otago, Noel started his career in horticulture in Central Otago and at an early stage worked for Con Vandervort at Ettrick. Noel joined the then Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) as a horticultural inspector (HI) in Motueka in the early 1970s (about 1973-4). As a young HI, he took the opportunity to participate in several plant health surveys and pre-export inspection programmes in various summerfruit, kiwifruit and pipfruit production locations throughout New Zealand.
In about 1977, Noel took up an opportunity to transfer as a HI to Alexandra, Central Otago. This transfer back into Central Otago fuelled Noel’s strong interests in supporting the development of summerfruit programmes from the district.
Several years later in the early 1980s, Noel joined the then NZ Apple and Pear Marketing Board (NZAPMB) in Hastings and very quickly became well known and respected throughout Hawke’s Bay for his skills and knowledge in pipfruit production. In particular, post-harvest handling and storage to promote and protect fruit quality at all stages of the supply chain from grower through to overseas markets and their consumers.
After working in Hawke’s Bay for some time, Noel took a promotion within the NZAPMB to Wellington which saw him working in a national role which had a strong focus on fruit quality management in the supply chain. Part of this new role saw Noel introduced to the early days of apple fumigation and packing in Marlborough for export to Japan.
These early experiences in the preparation and export of apples to Japan led Noel working for Marlborough Fruit Company in the mid 90s. This is when Noel’s passion for cherries began and during the 1990s he was on the Summerfruit NZ Board. In the late 90’s he ran the cherry packhouse for Summerfruit Orchards in Alexandra.
Noel began to work for Le Fresh International assisting with Pipfruit exports. During this time Noel decided he wanted to offer to do a Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) and he set off to Vietnam. He became a well respected and loved member of the VSA Family. Noel loved his time in Vietnam and when he returned to New Zealand, we knew he would go back. Le Fresh saw this as an opportunity for both parties and Noel became responsible for market development in Asia, based in Vietnam.
Noel with Ingrid Hofma promoting cherries in Vietnam
During his time in Vietnam he fell in love, not just with Vietnam, but with Than whom he married in 2010.
Noel continued to work for Le Fresh and returned to New Zealand most summers, and many of us visited Noel in Vietnam where he loved to show everyone around.
At all times during his time of employment in the horticulture industry, Noel developed and maintained great positive working relationships with all he became involved with in the export production, handling and marketing of summerfruit and pipfruit for export. Noel’s positive personality and contribution to horticulture, along with an ongoing drive for product quality management, is an example to us all. He will surely be missed by all that had the good fortune to meet him and work with him both in New Zealand and around the world.
Our thoughts and condolences are with his two daughters, Maree and her family in Masterton, Liana and her family in Sydney, and also with Than and her family in Vietnam.
Source: Ingrid Hofma – Le Fresh International