A message from NZ market reporter Richard Mills.
I had every intention of sending out a final NZ market report, but at this time it seems somewhat inappropriate to bother people who will be busy with more important matters. The only variety yet to pick that I know of will be Beryl’s Delight peach out of Hawke's Bay.
Plus going to check on what is happening in supermarkets is beyond my ability to tolerate crowds. The country boy shows through at times.
I wish to thank you for your feedback during the period of the reports, and in particular those who have contributed the information that makes the report possible. I know that you are busy and really do appreciate the time. From the feedback we get, it is clear that the industry appreciates your time as well.
If the industry review supports this type of work, I look forward to doing it all again starting in November.
Finally, my summary of the season will be published in the April issue of Summerfruit magazine. If you wish to review past issues of the NZ market report, they can be found on the website here.
Be kind, stay active.