Portal user interface upgrade

From 11 July 2023, the Summerfruit NZ portal will look different. All the core functionality remains the same but the look and feel will be greatly improved for the users.

The main difference will be the menu structure and page navigation. The new version will now use a vertical menu down the left-hand side. This gives us the ability to add more commonly used functions and resources to the top-level menu, providing users quicker and easier access to key elements such as research and export information.

There are also a few changes to the user dashboard to focus on the processes still needing action and removing previous clutter.

Before the new version goes live on the 11th of July the Summerfruit NZ team will be working hard to finalise the changes including the link to the Weather Tools, updating how-to guides and completing testing of the full range of portal functionality.

We will be in touch directly with users closer to the transition date with updated how-to guides including the new screenshots.

If you have any questions regarding the Summerfruit NZ portal, please contact admin@summerfruitnz.co.nz.



Figure 1: The New


22222222222222Figure 2: The Old