Pre-season 2023-24 Update

Pre-season 2023-24 Update

August 2023

Fruit Fly Official Assurance Programme

The fruit fly OAP was released in 2021, but not all summerfruit MAOs have registered. MAOs are advised to update their systems and register. Only MAOs can register for this programme. The requirements only come into effect during a fruit fly incursion and help packhouses and exporters manage traceability and phytosanitary security. MAOs should prepare their systems to comply with this OAP and ask their IVA to assess and forward it to MPI for approval and one-off registration. Note this registration is not done via Summerfruit NZ.

The OAP is available at (password protected using RealMe).

Summerfruit Export Programmes


Summerfruit has several export programmes. These are MPI official assurance programmes (OAPs) for which registration is required, via the Summerfruit New Zealand Portal.

Include the contact details for the person Summerfruit New Zealand or the IVA should contact regarding the Official Assurance Programme (e.g., the orchard manager).  For programmes where visits to the orchard are required by the IVA or a foreign official, it is important that the responsible person can be contacted easily and quickly.

Orchard Maps for Japan and Western Australia Programmes

We ask that careful attention is paid to accuracy of maps for the Japan and Western Australia programmes, including the season e.g. 2023-24, the dimensions of the production sites and placement and number of traps.

Failure to include the map requirements as listed in the OAPs (and repeated in the checklist below), requires follow-up by Summerfruit NZ staff and contractors, adding cost to your export programme.

The following checklist has been created from the Japan and Western Australia OAPs and states what is required on the orchard map

Japan Growers

  • Map labelled for the 2023-24 season
  • Property valuation number
  • The location of the property, road name and Rapid number or similar
  • The dimensions of the production sites within the property
  • The location of the production sites within the property
  • The boundaries of the production sites within the property
  • The area of the production sites within the property
  • Production site identification / codes
  • Areas that are not part of the production site for the export to Japan (such as areas of replanting or other summerfruit or apples)
  • The location, or intended location, of all Codling Moth (CM) pheromone traps (placed internally, not on boundaries)
  • Correct number of traps (total no. of ha in the production site plus 1)
  • Where several blocks comprise a production site and these are not contiguous (for example they are seperated by other species or bare land) the area and dimensions of each of these blocks must be recorded 

Western Australia Growers

  • Map labelled for the 2023-24 season
  • Property valuation number
  • The location of the property, road name and Rapid number or similar
  • The dimensions of the production sites within the property
  • The location of the production sites within the property
  • The boundaries of the production sites within the property
  • The area of the production sites within the property
  • Production site identification / codes
  • Species (apricot, peach, plum, nectarine or approved interspecific hybrids) and other crops (e.g. cherries or apples)
  • Areas that are not part of the production site where multi-leafroller mating disruption pheromones are to be used
  • The location, or intended location, of all Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM) pheromone traps (placed internally, not on boundaries)
  • Correct number of traps (1 trap / 2ha, min. 3 traps / production site, except where blocks are not contiguous)
  • Where several blocks comprise a production site and these are not contiguous (for example they are separated by other species or bare land) the area and dimensions of each of these blocks must be recorded

Cherries to Japan OAP

There are no significant changes to the Cherries to Japan OAP for this coming season.

The Japan Inspector will visit NZ again during the 2023-24 season. Once the visit is confirmed by MPI, registered growers and MAOs will be informed. Please ensure that the correct contact person is listed in the registration process so that the visit schedule can be arranged.

Cherries to Korea OAP

There are no significant changes to the Cherries to Korea OAP for this coming season.

The Korea Inspector is not expected to visit NZ this year. If there is a visit, confirmed by MPI, registered MAOs will be informed.

Summerfruit (South Is.) to Western Australia OAP

This OAP apples to all summerfruit other than cherries.  There are no significant changes to the Summerfruit (Sth Is) to Western Australia OAP for next season.

USA Industry Management Programme (LBAM) (Removed)

The Summerfruit NZ Board has agreed to remove the Industry Management Programme for Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) as an industry export requirement. The justification includes:

  • LBAM (Epiphyas postvittana) has been present in California for many years and official control measures have been abandoned.
  • USDA have advised that LBAM is no longer a quarantine pest for the USA, and is in the process of repealing the import regulations relating to this pest.
  • The repeal process is not complete (started in 2021) and summerfruit to the USA must still be certified as free from LBAM, however the industry programme is not an official requirement.
  • The Industry Management Programme has some onerous requirements and may be a disincentive to growing for export to the USA.
  • The additional declaration will still be required for this season, and growers and exporters should be aware that action may be taken on any unidentifiable leafroller (tortricid) larvae, as well as our native leafrollers.

Importing Country Phytosanitary Requirement (ICPR)

Access to the correct and up to date information is critical for all export programmes.

  1. Access the ICPR (
  2. If there is an import permit required and it differs from the ICPR requirements, share it with MPI ( as it overrides what is written in the ICPR.

The 2023 summary of the ICPRs for all summerfruit crops from 61 markets, can be found on the Summerfruit NZ Portal, under the Export section.

Of the 61 ICPRs based on the ICPR interpretation, cherries have access to 57 markets, apricots have access to 53 markets, nectarines and plums have access to 53 markets, and peaches have access to 51 markets.

Any questions or comments can be directed to or

The link to the full document is here

Agrichemical Compliance


Updated 2023-24 season MRL / PHI charts are available on the Summerfruit NZ Portal: Main Menu / Agrichemicals, along with an updated ‘Additional Information for Growers’. This document is an important heads-up for growers who are using crop protection products as it details changes from last season and what’s coming up in the near future.

Residue Assurance Programme

The Residue Assurance Programme relies on submitting export spray diaries to CropSure. If you are not registered for CropSure and you are growing for export, you must convert your spray diaries into something that CropSure can accommodate e.g. hard copy, or an electronic spray diary that can talk to CropSure via an API, and can be submitted. Packhouse clearance for export is based on a compliant spray programme.

Revised minimum documentary requirements for Australia

In 2021, the minimum documentary requirements changed for Annual Packing Declarations and Treatment Certificates.

The revised Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry policy can be found on the Australian department's website. This describes version 4.1 and is effective from 3 July 2023.