Pre-Season Production and Labour Survey Begins this Week

This week Summerfruit NZ will be emailing growers and packhouse operators a SurveyMonkey link to an online short, sharp pre-season survey to gather data on this coming season. The survey is very similar to the one commissioned by Summerfruit NZ last year. The information you supply will help Summerfruit NZ plan for the challenges of the 2022-23 season, the consequent effects of these on the New Zealand market, and support the industry through difficult times as we compete with other primary sectors for limited labour and freight resources. 

For those responsible for multiple properties, we will be asking you to provide either a survey per orchard or cumulative data totals in the survey for all your orchards, with an indication of the number of orchards you are representing.

Please note that these survey results are confidential. All data is aggregated into industry data. We assure you that all information supplied will remain confidential and that no individual's details will be identifiable in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.

The survey closes at the end of Friday 16 September. If you have any questions regarding the survey and the data use, please contact chief executive Kate Hellstrom or chair Roger Brownlie.