Ronald Vermeulum’s visit to New Zealand

Picture 5Ronald Vermeulen, a technical horticultural consultant, was recently in New Zealand and presented at a series of grower meetings and field walks in Hawkes Bay, Marlborough and Cromwell. The field walks around Blenheim were cancelled as the orchards were flooded, but the online presentation went ahead, with Ronald presenting from Waimea Nursery.

For those that could not join us and are still interested, Ronald’s PowerPoint presentation is available in the portal under Main menu/publications/orchard management, divided into four topic areas.   

A few of the key points that Ronald made include:

  1. The importance of understanding apical dominance, whether that is in a multi-leader or UFO tree, 3-dimensional or 2 dimensional. There were some good pointers on how to work the multiple tops of a UFO block.
  2. Suggestions for controlling vigour, fruiting wood and tree branch tops in UFO/FOPS blocks, and ways to retain and renew fruiting wood.
  3. Suggestions for minimising fruit drop and dealing with canker.
  4. New Zealand cherries are largely growing on colt rootstock. In terms of viable dwarfing rootstock technology, Gisela 12 and 5 are available.  Ronald discussed the pros and cons of different rootstocks. 

Summerfruit NZ would like to take all the orchard hosts: Roger Brownlie and Stu Burns in Hawkes Bay, Blair Mclean and Simon Bishell in Blenheim (although the rain prevented orchard visits there), and Ben van Gool, Christie, Ross and Sharon Kirk, and Michael Taylor in Cromwell.

Thanks to Nufarm and Fruitfed for providing lunch and refreshments. And thanks to all participants for being there and making the effort worthwhile.


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