Summerfruit industry looking forward to RSE workers return

Summerfruit NZ welcomes the Government's announcement allowing Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers from the Pacific to enter New Zealand without the need for managed isolation.

Not only is the decision great news for the Pacific nations, whose local economies and livelihoods are supported by the scheme, it is also fantastic news for the summerfruit growers who have found it difficult to find sufficient numbers of people to work in orchards and packhouses during harvest.

For over a year Summerfruit NZ has been working collaboratively with Minister Faafoi, government officials and other members of the horticulture industry to achieve this outcome, and thank the Minister and all those involved for their work.

Details on how the scheme will be implemented are being finalised to ensure the wellbeing of the workers receives the highest priority throughout.

The Government's decision to allow RSE workers into the country will complement the summerfruit industry continuing its attraction and recruitment plans to employ New Zealanders looking for seasonal work and careers in horticulture.

Chief executive Kate Hellstrom was interviewed on Radio NZ following the announcement of the decision. The interview can be listened to here.