Working Holiday Visa extensions
We’ve had recent inquiries from employers about the ability to employ Working Holiday Visa (WHV) holders who have recently been granted extensions but are not yet visible in Visaview. Immigration New Zealand (INZ) systems are unable to update until late March, so employers only need an email from INZ advising that the visa holder has been granted the extension.
Please see below the official advice from INZ. If you have any queries, please do make contact with us.
In December last year, the Government announced that Working Holiday Visa holders in New Zealand on 21 December 2020 with a visa expiry date between 21 December 2020 and 30 June 2021 (inclusive) would have their visa automatically extended for six months.
The Government also announced that restrictions on the maximum duration of work permitted would be relaxed, allowing Working Holiday Visa holders to continue working in any industry they choose. However, Working Holiday Visa holders are still not able to work in permanent employment.
Immigration New Zealand has contacted all eligible Working Holiday Visa holders by email to confirm the automatic six-month extension.
This email stated eligible Working Holiday Visa holders would receive further confirmation of the extension by March 2021, once INZ’s ICT systems were updated.
In the interim, Working Holiday Visa holders eligible for the six-month extension may use their confirmation email from INZ as proof of their right to work when engaging with prospective employers.
Last week the horticulture and viticulture sector CEOs met again with Minister Faafoi. He was unambiguous in his comments that the Government supports the RSE programme, which is welcome news.
We continue to work with government on improving the movement of RSE workers to and from the Pacific to enable more workers to come to New Zealand, and also the relief of workers who have been here for some time.
The Immigration NZ RSE Unit have advised to send in spring ATR applications from the end of April, although I note that no decisions have yet been made regarding the entry to New Zealand of further workers from the Pacific.
Planted hectares declarations
A reminder please, to return your planted hectares declarations to ensure you can vote at the AGM. For those who have previously made a declaration, the email response is a very quick and easy process which takes only a couple of minutes. New declarations take only a little more time, but do enable your vote to count at our annual meeting.
We are considering a single registration process in the spring of each year, that covers all growers, packers and exporters to meet the various needs for information including: export registration, information on plantings and production for sector advocacy, and the planted hectares for voting. This would remove the need for specific declarations for AGM voting purposes and give us the knowledge we need to, for example, discuss with stakeholders the airfreight logistics capacity necessary for the coming season. The collation of such information by others has better enabled their advocacy. We welcome your feedback on this idea.
Central Otago BBQ
It was great to see a few growers attend the BBQ at Plant & Food Research in Clyde last Friday. Whilst the turnout was a little light, it sounds like everyone enjoyed themselves. My great many thanks go out to the helpers and sponsors including FMG Insurance, Horticentre, Fruitfed Supplies, PGGWrightson Real Estate, Plant & Food Research, Pat Macaulay from Rural Support Trust, Anna Ryder, Chelsea Donnelly and Tracey Mansfield.

Chelsea Donnelly's towing skills were very handy

Chair Tim Jones says a few words

Taking time off the orchard to relax