Urgent: Overdue Spray Diaries

Important! We need your spray diaries! They are now overdue.

The value of the collated information is in monitoring and predicting trends within the summerfruit industry, helping to decide when to let a product go, and in informing where there are gaps.

This information helped with the decision to do work on the insecticide Movento last season and Belanty fungicide, this season.

The collated information is also used in answering queries from bodies such as MPI and NZ Food Safety.

As such, the more complete the picture, the better we can represent the industry with adequate information.

Those that use CropSure need to do nothing. For all other users, including local market-only suppliers, please send a copy of your spray diary to research@summerfruitnz.co.nz.

All data is treated as confidential to the grower and is only used in an amalgamated form.

Copies of paper-based diaries are acceptable; spreadsheets are fine. We will work with non-CropSure programmes as well.

Can we please have the diaries by the end of June

Any queries should be communicated to Richard Mills on 021 632559.