Welcoming Raj Singh To The Summerfruit NZ Team

We are pleased to welcome Raj Singh to the Summerfruit NZ team as our new Business Manager, based in Wellington. Raj has replaced Andrea Crawford in the Business Manager role. Andrea has moved into a new role, Advisor – Special Projects, to focus on data governance and the planned replacement of our grower portal.  

Raj has just finished up his role in the planning team at the NZ Defence Force. Prior to that he spent a number of years at Zespri. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge across both the public and private sectors and says he is excited to get back into the horticultural industry. Raj has vast experience in stakeholder engagement and relationship management and is a strong believer in collaborative solutions. In his spare time, he enjoys the outdoors or hitting the gym and is currently training for a marathon. Raj is looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible as he gets out and about on visits to our growing regions.

Raj Singh