
Call for spray diaries

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Climate Smart Agriculture Webinar – 6 April

A free webinar co-hosted by MPI and the California Department of Food and Agriculture, focusing on advancing agri-food for a sustainable farming future.

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MBIE meeting on RSE policy review

MBIE is holding regional meetings and webinars on the RSE policy review. Next week, we have one in Alexandra on 12 April at 4.30pm at Centennial Court.

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Minimum wage increase as of 1 April 2023

An increase to the adult minimum wage took effect on 1 April 2023. Find out more about the increases, by clicking on the article below.Are you ready? » Employment New...

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Kate's Update

The Summerfruit NZ team has just spent three days visiting growers and packhouses in Central Otago. With the season largely completed, it was good to hear how the season has gone.

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Hawke's Bay flood response support

NZAPI have put together some resources to help with decision-making post-cyclone. Use these documents to help guide decisions on a block-by-block basis. Please note, this is version 1.

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Summerfruit NZ Conference 2023 - Expanding Horizons

The Summerfruit NZ Board and team is pleased to inform you that early bird registration for the Summerfruit New Zealand Conference 2023 is currently open! Don't miss this opportunity to...

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Levy payments

A reminder for levy payers and levy collectors: if you haven’t already, please submit your levy declaration on the Summerfruit NZ grower portal.

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Updated SummerGreen manual

Summerfruit NZ’s SummerGreen online manual provides growers with information and advice on its Integrated Fruit Production programme, which includes information on pests and diseases that affect summerfruit production.

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Volunteers needed for survey of copper-based fungicide use in orchards

Lincoln White is pursuing a Master's degree in soil science at Lincoln University. He is conducting a survey of vineyards and orchards in the Central Otago, Nelson, and Marlborough regions.The...

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