
The Summerfruit NZ Board invites growers to a networking event

Wednesday 9 August – 4:30pm

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Horticulture Advisory Group – cyclone recovery meeting

NZ Apples & Pears is facilitating an all-of-horticulture grower meeting on behalf of the HB Horticulture Advisor Group.

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Bayer/Fruitfed/Summerfruit NZ tech update with Earnscy Weaver

Meetings will be held on:

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Production is underway for the export apricot and cherry wall charts that are published by Summerfruit NZ each year and sent to all export growers and packhouses.

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Summerfruit Conference 2023 – presentations online

Recordings of the technical presentations are now uploaded to the portal for those members who were unable to attend the Expanding Horizons conference in Queenstown on 8 June.

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From the Chair

The AGM on the 30th June 2023 related to a financial year that finished a whole year ago.

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Annual General Meeting - voting results

We held the 29th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Summerfruit New Zealand on Friday 30 June 2023. Thanks to all the members who were able to attend.

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Summerfruit NZ Staff Update

Andrea Crawford will shortly be leaving Summerfruit NZ. We thank Andrea for her commitment and dedication to the industry during her time with us.

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Funding to assist cyclone-affected growers to attend Horticulture Conference Week 2023

Thanks to the generosity of the Evergreen Foundation and Hawke’s Bay Fruitgrowers’ Association (HBFA), there is support available for attendance at all, or part of, the Horticulture Conference Week to...

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Hawke’s Bay Sediment & Debris Recovery Fund

Application Support WEBINAR

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