
Hail Netting Available

James Adcock of Rose Cottage Orchard in Gisborne has some surplus hail netting available: two bales of 18x200 and one bale of 16x200.

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Growers’ Field Walk On Establishing FOPS Canopies

Jack Wilson, an agricultural consultant from AgFirst, will be presenting results from an economic evaluation of Future Orchard Production Systems (FOPS) performance compared to other growing systems. There will also...

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Final reminder For Growers To Register For Exports To Western Australia And Japan

Growers, packhouses, and exporters can register for export via the secure portal’s online registration system until 31 October.

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Kate’s Update

On Thursday 22 September, Roger Brownlie and I attended the 2022 Young Grower of the Year national final in Nelson.

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Opportunity Grows Here and Handpicked Campaign

Handpicked Crew is again being supported by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) this year, with its nationwide Opportunity Grows Here (OGH) campaign.

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Handpicked Crew Webinars

Over the past few months, we have put together a series of webinars to assist growers to attract, retain, and grow a skilled and productive workforce.

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Returning Workers – Email Campaign

Here are some resources to help employers attract returning working workers via an email campaign. Email campaigns can dramatically reduce the time and effort involved.

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Central Mahi, It Hits Different

Central Otago District Council has launched Central Mahi, a campaign to help Central Otago employers attract and secure staff for the busy summer months when demand peaks.

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Employment Law and Youth Employment

With the harvest season approaching, it’s timely to remind employers that Summerfruit NZ does not recommend employing students under 14 years.

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Summerfruit NZ Portal Project Update

Summerfruit NZ continues to work closely with other product groups on identifying a shared solution for data.

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