
Plan change 13 appeal withdrawn

In an update to our Plan change 13 story in the April issue of Summerfruit magazine, an Environment Court appeal regarding a large subdivision in Cromwell has been withdrawn.

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BMSB measures show results

The Ministry for Primary Industries has reported that there has been a significant drop in the number of brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) detections at our borders this season.

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New careers progression manager roles created

In a boost for people looking for a different career path, six new regional careers progression managers have recently been added to the horticulture industry.

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Protecting your summerfruit against bacterial diseases

Summerfruit NZ's Richard Mills and Jack Hughes aim to clarify any confusion about the use of copper-based products for bacterial disease protection in summerfruit in this new article.

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April issue finally hits letterboxes

Unfortunately the latest issue of Summerfruit magazine was held up in the lockdown of workplaces during Covid-19 Alert Level 4.

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HBRC inviting submissions on TANK proposal

The Hawke's Bay Regional Council is inviting people to make submissions on their proposed TANK Plan change.

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BMSB risk season finishes

The 2019-20 brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) risk season has come to an end with the number of live interceptions well down on last year.

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Spotted wing drosophila webinar

Last week Summerfruit NZ attended the spotted wing drosophila (SWD) biosecurity webinar on behalf of growers.

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Message from Tim Jones

I’m sure you will be receiving a multitude of emails on the Covid-19 situation and I don’t want to add to your bulging in-boxes unnecessarily, but I do want you...

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Message from Richard Palmer

As you read this, you’re in the location where you’ll spend the next four weeks as New Zealand locks down to deal with Covid-19.

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