
2023 Annual General Meeting – 30 June 2023 at 1pm

The 29th Annual General Meeting of Summerfruit New Zealand Incorporated will be held via Zoom on Friday 30 June 2023 at 1pm.

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Mack Nicol Award for Excellence 2023 – Get your nominations in now!

Mack Nicol is remembered for his expansion of the New Zealand fruit export sector and his encouragement of young people entering our industry.

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Reminder: Levy Payments

A reminder for levy payers and levy collectors: if you haven’t already, please submit your levy declaration on the Summerfruit NZ grower portal.

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Cherries source of high-health properties

An interesting read on the high health benefits of Cherries.

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Open letter to the Government

*This letter has been sent to the Government today due to concern about the delay in providing direction and announcing further support, and the impact this is having on cyclone-affectedgrowers...

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Grower Field Walk

Field Walk Date: 27 April 2023 12PMLocation: Lake Terrace Cherries, 90 Smiths Way, CromwellGrowers’ post-harvest field walk on planar cherries as part of the Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures (SFFF)...

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Hawkes Bay post-cyclone event for all growers

All fruit and vegetable growers in the Hawkes Bay are invited to a get-together at 3pm, Thursday 20 April at the Ellwood Function Centre.

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Burning Wood Waste

Wood waste

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Kate’s update

Last week Summerfruit NZ Board members

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Summerfruit NZ Conference 2023 - Expanding Horizons. Book now for early bird rates.

The Summerfruit NZ Board and team is pleased to inform you that early bird registration for the Summerfruit New Zealand Conference 2023 is currently open! Don't miss this opportunity to...

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