
Coming up: Planted Hectares Declarations

If you wish to vote at the 2023 AGM, you need to declare your planted hectares. The information and forms will be emailed out in the first week of March.

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Prevar Field Days 2023

Prevar is a private joint venture company owned by industry, comprising of New Zealand Apples & Pears Incorporated, Plant & Food Research (New Zealand), and Apples and Pears Australia Limited.

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Do you need flood support?

Summerfruit NZ is thinking of our growers in Hawke's Bay and their workers, families, and communities who have been significantly impacted by cyclone Gabrielle.

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Kate’s Update

This season has brought mixed results for our growers, and the Summerfruit NZ team’s thoughts are with growers in Hawke’s Bay who have had to contend with difficult weather conditions.

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Welcoming Raj Singh To The Summerfruit NZ Team

We are pleased to welcome Raj Singh to the Summerfruit NZ team as our new Business Manager, based in Wellington. Raj has replaced Andrea Crawford in the Business Manager role.

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Summerfruit NZ Conference 2023 - Expanding Horizons

The Summerfruit NZ Board and team is excited to announce that registrations for the Summerfruit New Zealand Conference 2023 are now open.

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Inspector Visit As Part Of Japan Official Assurance Programme

After a two-year break due to Covid-19 restrictions, Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) inspection visits resumed in January.

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Spotted Lanternfly – Learn About The USA Experience With This Invasive Horticultural Pest

Plant & Food Research Limited (PFR) is hosting presentations on Spotted Lanternfly, a significant biosecurity threat to New Zealand.

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Conference – Early Bird Registrations Opening Shortly

Planning is well underway for Conference 2023, registration will open in early 2023, keep an eye on the website for conference and programme updates.

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Kate's Update

The season is underway

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