
SummerGreen meetings in Central Otago

Richard Mills has put together three meetings for growers during his visit next week.

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Handy employer materials available

The Ministry for Primary Industries is sharing a batch of collateral they have designed for the summerfruit labour campaign.

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New app makes biosecurity reporting easy

A new app has been launched to protect New Zealand's primary industries and landscapes from biosecurity pests.

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Otago Pop Up Job Shop date change

Unfortunately the Otago Pop Up Job Shop being held in Dunedin on 23 September has been postponed until Thursday, 5 November.

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Industry Management Protocol updated

The USA Industry Management Protocol for the control of Light Brown Apple moth (LBAM) has been updated this season in response to queries from growers looking for clarification.

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Update from Richard Palmer 1 September 2020

Summerfruit NZ, as part of a wider horticulture and wine sector group, has been engaging with government agencies with an aim to ensure sufficient labour is available for our seasonal needs.

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Japanese inspector's visit remains uncertain

Japan's MAFF has not yet confirmed whether a Japanese inspector will be coming to New Zealand under the current Covid-19 environment or not.

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Picker wrist bands

With the potential that this coming season's harvest workers will be less experienced than harvest workers from last season, Summerfruit NZ is coordinating coloured wrist band orders from growers who...

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Export registration now open

Growers, packers and exporters can register for export using the secure portal’s online registration system from 1 September until 31 October 2020.

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Central Otago spray applications and monitoring

Now that Bernie Attfield is no longer the South Island SummerGreen Facilitator (as advised last month) she will not be sending any communications regarding application timing for sprays and monitoring...

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