
HBRC inviting submissions on TANK proposal

The Hawke's Bay Regional Council is inviting people to make submissions on their proposed TANK Plan change.

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BMSB risk season finishes

The 2019-20 brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) risk season has come to an end with the number of live interceptions well down on last year.

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Spotted wing drosophila webinar

Last week Summerfruit NZ attended the spotted wing drosophila (SWD) biosecurity webinar on behalf of growers.

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Message from Tim Jones

I’m sure you will be receiving a multitude of emails on the Covid-19 situation and I don’t want to add to your bulging in-boxes unnecessarily, but I do want you...

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Message from Richard Palmer

As you read this, you’re in the location where you’ll spend the next four weeks as New Zealand locks down to deal with Covid-19.

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Summerfruit NZ Wellington office

As most of you are probably aware, Summerfruit NZ has its office in Wellington, with up to seven staff members working there at any one time.

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NZ market weekly update

A message from NZ market reporter Richard Mills.

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Conference 2020

The restrictions on gatherings, and the various limitations that New Zealand businesses are placing on travel, has meant that Summerfruit NZ has decided to cancel the 2020 summerfruit industry conference.

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Covid-19 causes OPI to finish early

The Ministry for Primary Industries has contacted Summerfruit NZ to advise that the OPI programme has finished earlier than expected. The last OPI inspection occurred yesterday, 17 March 2020.

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Industry review update

I have now completed the vast majority of grower interviews – by the end of this week, I will have completed that phase of the review.

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