
Engaging with Summerfruit NZ

Summerfruit NZ's interim chief executive, Richard Palmer, reminds growers of the value of engaging with the organisation.

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Nzsummer series trees for planting this year available

It's not too late for growers who want to place a late order for Nzsummer series trees for planting.

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Compliance Based Intervention Scheme – tariff code changes

Australia’s Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment have changed the Compliance Based Intervention Scheme (CBIS) tariff codes from 8 to 10 digits (changes underlined).

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Central Otago field walk update

Despite the busy time of the season, the field walk in Central Otago last week was well attended by growers who in all cases either had Nzsummer series apricots in...

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Government launches benefit horticulture

Summerfruit NZ's interim chief executive, Richard Palmer, reviews two recent government launches.

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Outcomes focused

Summerfruit NZ's interim chief executive, Richard Palmer, is focused on key outcomes for the industry.

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Wheat bug intercepted in Australia on apricots from New Zealand

Australia has notified MPI of the detection of wheat bug (Nysius huttoni) during an on-arrival inspection in Melbourne on an apricot consignment from New Zealand.

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Successful end to QFF response in Auckland

New Zealand is once again free of Queensland fruit fly (QFF). Biosecurity New Zealand ended its Northcote fruit fly operations on 31 January and lifted restrictions on the movement of...

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Nzsummer apricots field walk in Hawke's Bay

Hawke’s Bay growers were invited to view the trees and taste the fruit from Roger Brownlie’s trial plantings in Bay View on 28 January 2020.

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Challenges of the new decade

Summerfruit NZ's interim chief executive, Richard Palmer, reflects on the challenges of the new decade.

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