
Monolinia/Botrytis/Alternaria – What are the differences?

Richard Mills gets a little nerdy finding some cherry disease compares and contrasts.

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Overwhelming support for summerfruit Commodity Levy renewal

We are pleased to announce the successful outcome of our recent Commodity Levy referendum. Summerfruit growers have voted overwhelmingly in support of renewing the summerfruit Commodity Levy.

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Export to Australia – important updates

There will be no OPI inspector in Central Otago this season, and the programme is coming to an end in April 2020.

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BMSB update

China is a significant source of brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) being found at the border.

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Picker wrist bands available

There are seven colours of wrist band available to purchase from Summerfruit NZ. Useful for training new pickers and helpful for QC staff, our range of wrist bands can be...

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Inspection pad check

Now is a good time for export packhouses to check their stocks of inspection pads.

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Observations from the field

The warm to hot conditions have prompted me to think about the PET (potential evapotranspiration) situation.

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Summerfruit NZ signs Biosecurity Business Pledge

Summerfruit NZ has signed the Biosecurity Business Pledge as a support organisation under the ‘This Is Us – Biosecurity 2025’ programme.

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Observations from the field – Carpophilus beetle

During a recent visit to a Hawkes Bay summerfruit orchard (29 Oct), I was alerted to the presence of significant numbers of Carpophilus beetles in the traps (as shown below)...

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Comments on the Hawkes Bay hail event and fruit to market

An event of the scale and earliness of the 1 October Hawkes Bay hail event has not been witnessed before, therefore we have no real idea of what the impact...

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