
The Summerfruit Exporters Committee AGM

At the recently-held Summerfruit Exporters Committee's AGM, the exporter Directors for Summerfruit NZ underwent some changes.

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Winter chill round up 2019

There is some concern that in places we had a dry autumn and have not yet fully recharged the soil over winter.

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Renewing our commodity levy

You may have heard that our Commodity Levy Order (Summerfruit) 2014 is due for renewal in 2020?

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Pollination manual on portal

Dr Mark Goodwin's manual Pollination of Crops in Australia and New Zealand, provides summerfruit growers with a range of tools to assess the levels of pollination their crops receive and...

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Auckland fruit fly update

As we are nearing the end of winter, Biosecurity New Zealand’s fruit fly response in the Northcote area is about to step up again, with the focus on maintaining controls...

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President's Trophy for Trudi

Central Otago grower and recently-elected Summerfruit NZ Board director, Trudi Webb, has been recognised by Horticulture NZ at their conference dinner on 1 August.

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Summerfruit NZ AGM

The 25th Annual General Meeting of Summerfruit New Zealand was held on Monday, 5 August in Wellington.

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Biosecurity best practice videos

For anyone interested in upskilling their biosecurity knowledge, a range of biosecurity best practice videos has been produced by Primary ITO.

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Get ready for export registration

The new season isn't that far away and before you know it, the time to register for export will be upon us once again.

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Update on biosecurity levy application

You may remember that we submitted this application in September last year, after receiving mandate to implement the levy from growers at the 2016 referendum.

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